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Matheson Statement re Russia

AUTHORs: News & Insights, News, Contact Us, About Us Date: 04/03/2022

Matheson is deeply disturbed by, and strongly condemns, the unjustified attack by Russian forces on the people of Ukraine and on the sovereignty, democratic values and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

As an internationally-focused firm which upholds the rule of law and embraces the values of respect, partnership and diversity we are saddened by the senseless loss of life and the use of military force on the people of Ukraine.

Matheson has robust procedures in place to ensure the firm complies with all laws and regulations, including sanctions.  We have therefore taken the decision not to accept instructions from Russian clients.  We will continue to abide by all relevant international sanctions.

As part of our Impactful Business Programme, Matheson is offering pro bono legal assistance to the Irish Refugee Council and the Public Interest Law Alliance (a project of FLAC) to help Ukrainian people coming to Ireland as a result of the invasion.  We will continue to look for other opportunities to support relief efforts.


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