Matheson is delighted to confirm that it has been shortlisted across 16 categories in the 2023 European Women in Business Law Awards. Eight Matheson lawyers have been recognised across the practice areas of Aviation, Commercial Arbitration, Insurance & Reinsurance, Corporate Governance, Financial Regulation, White-collar Crime, Investment Funds, Litigation, Media & Entertainment, Privacy & Data Protection and Trademark law.
In addition, Matheson has been shortlisted for the national 'Ireland Firm of the Year' award and also nominated for the following national firm awards; 'Career Development', Diverse Women Lawyers', 'Gender Diversity' and 'Pro Bono Work'.
The European Women in Business Law Awards awards celebrate women lawyers across Europe who are leaders in their respective fields. They also recognise firms for their efforts in promoting gender diversity and the advancement of women in the legal profession. The diverse categories are designed to recognise the growing talent pool of women in law in the 'Rising stars' category, celebrate women leaders in their field in the 'Practice area' awards and laud firm progression in diversity and inclusion through the best D&I categories.
The full list of categories in which Matheson has been shortlisted is as follows;
Firm Awards shortlist
- Ireland Firm of the Year
- Career Development
- Diverse Women Lawyers
- Gender Diversity
- Pro Bono Work
Practice Areas shortlist
- Aviation - Lawyer of the Year - Angela Brennan
- Aviation - Lawyer of the Year - April McClements
- Commercial Arbitration - Lawyer of the Year - April McClements
- Insurance & Reinsurance - Lawyer of the Year - April McClements
- Corporate Governance - Lawyer of the Year - Susanne McMenamin
- Financial Regulation - Lawyer of the Year - Karen Reynolds
- White Collar Crime - Lawyer of the Year - Karen Reynolds
- Investment Funds - Lawyer of the Year - Karen Reynolds
- Litigation - Rising Star - Aisling Kavanagh
- Media & Entertainment - Lawyer of the Year - Ruth Hunter
- Privacy & Data Protection - Lawyer of the Year - Deirdre Crowley
- Trademark - Lawyer of the Year - Anne-Marie Bohan
Congratulations to those who have been shortlisted and we look forward to the winners being announced on 28 June 2023.
Learn more about the awards here.